Manufacturers gather at Mizzou to learn about engineering resources
From graduating workforce-ready engineers to partnering on research and development, Mizzou Engineering has a lot to offer mid-Missouri manufacturers. That was the main take-away from an MU Manufacturer Connection Event on Aug. 18.

Mizzou Engineers develop new method to design semiconductors
Mizzou Engineers have come up with a novel new technique to design semiconductors, the chips that make your phones, laptops and other devices not only smart, but also compact.

Research at Mizzou could help reduce cost to build particle accelerators
If Mizzou Engineers are successful, that price tag of particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider could drop drastically.

How to build an ‘explainable AI’ framework to speed the innovation process
More than a century has passed since Thomas Edison developed the first electric light bulb, yet Edison’s hallmark approach of ‘trial and error’ to reach his discovery still remains a large part of today’s inventions. Now, a team of engineers at the University of Missouri is embodying the age-old adage of “work smarter, not harder” by using artificial intelligence (AI).

Rogers: MU Materials Science & Engineering Institute will be catalyst for innovation
The new MU Materials Science & Engineering Institute will be a catalyst for innovative research and discoveries that could lead to technologies to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, Dr. John A. Rogers said.

Mizzou celebrates opening of MU Materials Science & Engineering Institute
A new institute at Mizzou will advance collaboration around materials research and education across campus. University and College leaders celebrated the grand opening of the MU Materials Science & Engineering Institute (MUMSEI) at a symposium and ribbon cutting event on May 13.